Sarmales, Dacians and Vikings

pAre you familiar with the social media strategy of the Swedish Embassy in Bucharest, which is out of the diplomatic communication patterns. Their statuses attracted tens of thousands of comments. Well, a little while ago, the new ambassador of the Scandinavian country, Her Excellency Ms. Therese Hydén, arrived in our Capital. In his first message filmed and posted on Facebook, the diplomat asks us what to eat in Romania, eager to taste our traditional dishes.

Well, at the bottom of the post, the chorus of mourners of Romanian gastronomy began its number: we have nothing, everything is from others, here only viezure and foal were consumed. The same discourse of a beleaguered nation without creative energy that characterizes us. It was explained to the ambassador how Deceneu and Burebista did not indulge in sarmals or belly soup, as if the Swedes eat like the Vikings, as if gastronomy does not evolve.

Every time I read such aberrations a corkscrew goes into my head and my veins begin to pulsate hypertensively. Have we irretrievably lost the whole story of Romanian hospitality? The guest comes to our house and instead of inviting him to the living room, we send him to the dining room, because mitites are kebabs and soups are Ottoman anyway? Should I tell you that in Sweden there is an Association of Friends of Sarmales and that on November 30 the Swedes celebrate National Sarmales Day (kåldolmar), even though neither Odin nor Thor wrapped minced meat in leaves of all sorts?  

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