How Cuban Rum Acacia Flower Jam Came To Be

Athe new season started Amintiri Gustoase, the only Romanian gastronomic podcast, part of Digital Chronicles. The first guest comes from You know.

Paula Bora tells how he went from wild poppy petal jam to ginger lemon dandelion jam or acacia flower jam with Cuban rum.

It explains why he does not use petals from the cultivated rose, but only from the wild rose.

We find out what the solidarity economy is, how the anti-waste jar works, but also how the picture in which he appears making sausage went viral.

"The pantry in Totești started as a family project, in fact my mother made the jam from wild poppy petals for the first time and our friends tasted it, liked it and started asking us to take it home as well. Little by little, friends of friends got a taste and so we ended up making more and more wild poppy petal jam. I came up with my tastes and added a little whiskey to this recipe, I thought that these two tastes go very well, and those who tasted it, appreciated this combination very much.

So we started reading more about edible flowers, both those we have in our yard and those that can be picked from the wild flora. We experimented in the first year with tastes, to see what we can combine these wild flowers with, and so several recipes appeared, such as dandelion jam with ginger and lots of lemon, acacia flower jam with Cuban rum, jasmine flowers, and we pick all these flowers from our yard or from the spontaneous flora, as far as possible, of course, from the road, because there they would have been polluted", says Paula Bora in the podcast Digital Chronicles.

How do we distinguish the aromas, the tastes of sweetness from flowers?

"Poppy candy is very special, I always have to admit that it was difficult for me to describe its taste, it is a very fragrant floral taste, slightly bittersweet. That's kind of why I combined it with whiskey because I think those whiskey flavors go really well with that floral, smooth taste. The wild rose, we actually have it here behind the house, we only pick it from here. It's an old railroad that doesn't work anymore, and here, on that stony ground, as that broken stone remains, there are a lot of wild roses. Many people ask us why we don't use the cultivated rose. Although the taste is somewhat similar, I find the taste of the wild rose a little more delicate and we like to combine it, also from an experiment we did, with the flowers of sage, which are very small, purple and pick very hard, and then that's a delicacy on our menu, because we sit and pick those sage flowers that are so rich in flavors and essences that they actually stick to our fingers as we pick them. They are very flavorful."

Digital Chronicles podcast is supported by Raiffeisen Bank Romania and of Electrolux Romania. The project partners are convinced that through access to education, culture and technology, we can become the best version of ourselves.

Made by the agency Zaga Brand and Human Made Art Association (HUMART), the Digital Chronicles podcast is currently the most popular cultural product in Apple Podcasts both in Romania and in several countries where important communities of Romanians live.

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